

I have a pain management problem. 
And I hate it.
I hope something can be done to make it better
But I found no solution
Sometimes really feel like strangulating someone called "pain"
And scream at the top of my voice



          粗心的猫咪又闯祸了...在最近一项比赛中跌得脸青鼻肿。我不否认,在脸庞猛力撞击马路的那一刻,我曾经在心里大声地问上帝,"为什么没有保护我?为什么要在这种时候让我跌倒?我好痛啊..." 其实回顾当时的情景,我没伤及宝贵的眼睛,也没严重的骨头碎裂问题,已经是他最大的保佑了...而且,可爱的朋友们不断帮助和陪伴,让我觉得其实上帝也待我不薄。当然,也同时见识了一些人快速变脸的超能力。无法置信,原来这样的事真的会发生在我周围,甚至于我身上。

          现在的猫咪已经痊愈了百分之九十五吧...可是脸庞依然会不时传来剧烈的刺痛。看来我的multiple pain syndrome,又多加了一项咯~ 说真的,别人投来奇异的眼光,我已经觉得很平常, 没什么大不了的。还记得一开始的时候,我看到别人一直看我的脸,我会有两个反应。一个是想找个洞钻;一个是想送一拳给那个人。哈哈




Another zzz

The doctor asks you to see him on Thursday even though the date stated in the referral letter is on Monday. On Thursday most probably the symptoms have subsided on its own...zzz. 

I wonder what it is for those staying far away from hospital? Those that have work to attend to? Have children to feed? Have pets to take care of? They came so far to get treatment but its all about waiting. And the waiting is not a few hours, but a few days. What if the situation is complicated and serious? The patient might die! For goodness sake, the system should really improve. 


Pain as the alarm clock.